crystallized intelligence

The Verbal Judgement Task: Normative data of verbal abstract reasoning in a sample of 18- to 40-years old

In this study, normative data for the age-range 18–40 years have been provided for the Verbal
Judgment Test (VJT), which underpins abstract reasoning on the basis of four subtests:
“Differences”, “Proverbs”, “Absurdities” and “Classifications”. 554 participants (280 males and 274
females) were recruited and the following data were provided: means and standard deviations divided
by gender, educational level (8, 13 and 18 years) and age group (18–20 years, 21–25 years,

Web searching and navigation: age, intelligence, and familiarity

In using the Internet to solve everyday problems, older adults tend to find fewer correct answers compared to younger adults. Some authors have argued that these differences could be explained by age-related decline. The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between web-searching navigation and users age, considering the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and frequency of Internet and personal computer use. The intent was to identify differences due to age and not to other variables (that is, cognitive decline, expertise with the tool).

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