
Boundary driven Brownian gas

We consider a gas of independent Brownian particles on a bounded in- terval in contact with two particle reservoirs at the endpoints. Due to the Brownian nature of the particles, infinitely many particles enter and leave the system in each time interval. Nonetheless, the dynamics can be constructed as a Markov process with continuous paths on a suitable state space.

Current observations from a looking down vertical V-ADCP. Interaction with winds and tide? The case of Giglio Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

In the context of the environmental monitoring of the Concordia wreck removal project, measurements of currents, winds and sea level height were made along the eastern coast of the Giglio Island, Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), during 2012—2013. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of atmospheric forcing and periodic sea-level changes on the coastal currents. Normalised Cross-Correlation Function analysis allowed us to correlate these observations.

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