
Stylogaster eggs on blow flies attracted to millipede defence secretions in Tanzania, with a stab at summarising their biology (Diptera: Conopidae & Calliphoridae)

The genus Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera: Conopidae) is sister to the remainder of the Conopidae. While all other Conopidae are endoparasitoids of aculeate Hymenoptera, species of Stylogaster appear to be endoparasitoids of ‘orthopteroids’, as the only confirmed rearing records are from crickets and cockroaches. Many calyptrate flies have been observed with Stylogaster eggs attached, but since no Stylogaster have been reared from any dipterans, it is still unknown if these flies are hosts, results of accidental oviposition or carry the eggs to the actual hosts.

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