Data compression

On Cellular Networks Supporting Healthcare Remote Monitoring in IoT Scenarios

In the next few years, fundamental technological transitions are expected both for wireless communications, soon resulting in the 5G era, and for the kind of pervasiveness that will be achieved thanks to the Internet of Things. The implementation of such new communication paradigms is expected to significantly revolutionize people’s lives, industry, commerce, and many daily activities. Healthcare applications are considered to be one of the most impacted industries.

Adaptive vector quantization for lossy compression of Image Sequences

In this work, we present a scheme for the lossy compression of image sequences, based on the Adaptive Vector Quantization (AVQ) algorithm. The AVQ algorithm is a lossy compression algorithm for grayscale images, which processes the input data in a single-pass, by using the properties of the vector quantization to approximate data. First, we review the key aspects of the AVQ algorithm and, subsequently, we outline the basic concepts and the design choices behind the proposed scheme.

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