
Post-traumatic proximal radioulnar synostosis: results of surgical treatment and review of the literature

Background: Post-traumatic proximal radioulnar synostosis is a very rare and disabling condition whose surgical treatment has traditionally been viewed with pessimism. The results of the few case series in the literature are conflicting. Our aims were (1) to describe the clinical results of a case series treated surgically by a single elbow surgeon and (2) to review the literature. Methods: Twelve patients were evaluated. Preoperative radiographs and computed tomography scans were performed.

Detection of osteomyelitis in the diabetic foot by imaging techniques. A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing mri, white blood cell scintigraphy, and FDG-PET

OBJECTIVE Diagnosing bone infection in the diabetic foot is challenging and often requires several diagnostic procedures, including advanced imaging. We compared the diagnostic performances of MRI, radiolabeled white blood cell (WBC) scintigraphy (either with 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime [HMPAO] or 111In-oxine), and [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET)/ computed tomography. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We searchedMedline andEmbase as of August 2016 for studies of diagnostic tests on patients known or suspected to have diabetes and a foot infection.

PeachVar-DB: a curated collection of genetic variations for the interactive analysis of Peach Genome Data

Applying next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to species of agricultural interest has the potential to accelerate the understanding and exploration of genetic resources. The storage, availability and maintenance of huge quantities of NGS-generated data remains a major challenge. The PeachVar-DB portal, available at, is an open-source catalog of genetic variants present in peach (Prunus persica L.

Semantic characterization of data services through ontologies

We study the problem of associating formal semantic descriptions to data services. We base our proposal on the Ontology-Based Data Access paradigm, where a domain ontology is used to provide a semantic layer mapped to the data sources of an organization. The basic idea is to explain the semantics of a data service in terms of a query over the ontology. We illustrate a formal framework for this problem, based on the notion of source-to- ontology (s-to-o) rewriting, which comes in three variants, called sound, complete and perfect, respectively.

A detail based method for linear full reference image quality prediction

In this paper, a novel Full Reference method is proposed for image quality assessment, using the combination of two separate metrics to measure the perceptually distinct impact of detail losses and of spurious details. To this purpose, the gradient of the impaired image is locally decomposed as a predicted version of the original gradient, plus a gradient residual. It is assumed that the detail attenuation identifies the detail loss, whereas the gradient residuals describe the spurious details.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma