
Concurrent vs Exclusive Reading in Parallel Decoding of LZ-Compressed Files

Broadcasting a message from one to many processors in a network corresponds to concurrent reading on a random access shared memory parallel machine. Computing the trees of a forest, the level of each node in its tree and the path between two nodes are problems that can easily be solved with concurrent reading in a time logarithmic in the maximum height of a tree. Solving such problems with exclusive reading requires a time logarithmic in the number of nodes, implying message passing between disjoint pairs of processors on a distributed system.

Fundamental limits of low-density spreading NOMA with fading

Spectral efficiency of low-density spreading nonorthogonal multiple access channels in the presence of fading is derived for linear detection with independent decoding as well as optimum decoding. The large system limit, where both the number of users and number of signal dimensions grow with fixed ratio, called load, is considered. In the case of optimum decoding, it is found that low-density spreading underperforms dense spreading for all loads. Conversely, linear detection is characterized by different behaviors in the underloaded vs. overloaded regimes.

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