
Analytical investigation on a new approach for achieving deep penetration in a lossy medium. The lossy prism

Recent studies highlighted deep-penetration properties of inhomogeneous waves at the interface between a lossless and a lossy medium. Such waves can be generated by means of radiating structures known as Leaky-Wave Antennas (LWAs). Here, a different approach is proposed based on the use of a lossy prism capable to generate an inhomogeneous wave when illuminated by a homogeneous wave. The lossy prism is conceived and designed thinking of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR).

Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic-wave penetration at normal incidence through an inhomogeneous-wave approach

This paper presents numerical scenarios concern-ing penetration in a lossy medium that can be obtained by radiating inhomogeneous electromagnetic waves. Former pa-pers approached this problem, both analytically and numeri-cally finding requirements and limits of the so-called \deep-penetration' condition, which consists of a wave transmitted in a lossy medium having an attenuation vector whose direc-tion forms the angle of ninety degrees with the normal to the separation surface.

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