
Marikas (Eupolis)

A play by Eupolis in which the demagogue Hyperbolus was caricatured as a barbarian slave, and his mother apparently as a drunken market-woman; the chorus was divided into semichoruses of rich and poor men. Aristophanes alleged that Eupolis had plagiarized his Knights. Part of an ancient commentary survives, but the plot is hard to reconstruct.

Babylonians (Aristophanes)

Babylonians is a lost play of ARISTOPHANES (Ar. frr. 67-100), produced by CALLISTRATUS (1) at the City DIONYSIA of 426 BCE. Its content, held to be insulting to the Athenian polis, is said to have provoked CLEON to attempt a PROSECUTION of Aristophanes (schol. Ar. ACHARNIANS 378; Life of Ar. 19-29 K-A). DIONYSUS was a character (Ar. fr. 75).

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