developmental and educational psychology

Sviluppo di un'identità positiva, relazioni famigliari, e coming out in persone appartenenti a minoranze sessuali e di genere

Sviluppo di un'identità positiva, relazioni famigliari, e coming out in persone appartenenti a minoranze sessuali e di genere

Il gruppo di ricerca si concentra sullo studio del processo di coming out come compito di sviluppo aggiuntivo per le ragazze, i ragazzi e l3 ragazz3 LGBTQIA+.  Dalle attività di questo gruppo sono stati prodotti lavori scientifici che hanno contribuito alla letteratura nazionale e internazionale. L’obiettivo principale è promuovere il processo del coming out in diversi contesti di vita, individuando i fattori di rischio e protezione che possono inibire oppure facilitare tale processo di sviluppo.

The trials of women leaders in the workforce. How a need for cognitive closure can influence acceptance of harmful gender stereotypes

Women leaders in the workforce are adversely affected by two sets of stereotypes: women are warm and communal but leaders are assertive and competent. This mismatch of stereotypes can lead to negative attitudes toward women leaders, however, not all individuals will be equally sensitive to these stereotypes. Men and women characterized by a need for cognitive closure (the desire for stable and certain knowledge) should be particularly sensitive to these stereotypes because they can be stable knowledge sources.

An evaluation of the Movement ABC-2 Test for use in Italy. A comparison of data from Italy and the UK

Background: The standardized test within the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2nd edition (MABC-2) is used worldwide to assess motor problems in children. Ideally, any country using a test developed in another country should produce national norms to ensure that it functions effectively in the new context. Aim: The first objective of this study was to explore the differences in motor performance between Italian and British children. The second was to examine the structural validity of the test for the Italian sample.

Narrative and persuasive texts written by pupils across primary school

The study was designed to compare syntactic properties and mental state language (MSL) used in narrative stories and persuasive essays written by 162 children attending the third and the fifth grades of the Italian elementary schools. Results showed as children used a higher number of total words and total propositions, independent and coordinate propositions in narrative writing compared to persuasive writing. Conversely, in persuasive essays, a major number of subordinate propositions and MSL was used.

Emotion regulation and empathy. Which relation with social conduct?

A shared consensus among researchers deals with the positive association between the ability to effectively regulate and manage one's emotion and the engagement in empathic behavior and morally desirable actions. This study was designed to investigate how dispositional reliance on suppression and reappraisal differently impacted on the cognitive and affective components of empathy and on social conduct, distinguishing among prosocial, internalizing, and externalizing behaviors.

Sibling relationships and family functioning in siblings of early adolescents, adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder

The purpose of the study was to investigate how family functioning (defined as the ability that family members hold to manage stressful events, and intimate and social relationships), the degree to which family members feel happy and fulfilled with each other (called family satisfaction), and the demographical characteristics of siblings (age and gender) impacted on sibling relationships. The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems and Behavioral Systems constituted the theoretical frameworks that guided our study.

Social behaviour, socio-cognitive skills and attachment style in school-aged children: what is the relation with academic outcomes?

The present research explored the relation between socio-cognitive skills, as Theory of Mind and affective empathy, social behaviour, attachment style and scholastic success in children, aged from 8 to 11 years (N = 159; 90 females, 69 males; Mage = 9,60; DS = .78). Several assessment tools were administered to children on mentalizing abilities (Stories), empathy (FASTE), language (PPVT-R), attachment style (SAT) and learning (M.T. and AC-MT 6-11), while the teachers were asked to complete a questionnaire about every child’s social behaviour (SDQ).

From external regulation to school achievement. The mediation of self-efficacy at school

The study examines the mediational role of self-efficacy in school achievement and self-efficacy in regulatory learning practice in the relationship between the severity of parental and school rules, and academic achievement during adolescence. School and family help adolescents develop self-efficacy in regulatory learning. Although self-regulation strategies play a central role in the individual's adaptive development, research on how these skills are acquired is scanty.

Corrigendum to “Parents' and early adolescents' self-efficacy about anger regulation and early adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems: a longitudinal study in three countries” [Journal of Adolescence 64 (2018) 124–135]

The authors regret that the following errors were present in the above-mentioned article. Page 126 2.1. Sample 1st line “Participants were recruited from the longitudinal blinded for review Study (e.g., blinded for review).” Should read: “Participants were recruited from the longitudinal Study entitled Parenting Across Cultures (e.g., Lansford et al., 2014).” Page 127 2.1. Sample 8th line “Over 81% of mothers, 77% of fathers, and 81% of children from the initial sample (see Blinded).

Influence of cognitive stance and physical perspective on subjective and autonomic reactivity to observed pain and pleasure: An immersive virtual reality study

Observing others’ pain may induce a reaction called personal distress that may be influenced by top-down (imagine self or other in pain, i.e., self- vs other-oriented stance) and bottom-up (physical perspective of those who suffer, i.e., first vs third person perspective- 1PP vs 3PP) processes. The different contributions of these processes have not been teased apart.

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