
Proenkephalin A 119-159 (Penkid) Is an Early Biomarker of Septic Acute Kidney Injury: The Kidney in Sepsis and Septic Shock (Kid-SSS) Study

Introduction: Sepsis is the leading cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients. The Kidney in Sepsis and Septic Shock (Kid-SSS) study evaluated the value of proenkephalin A 119-159 (penkid)—a sensitive biomarker of glomerular function, drawn within 24 hours upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission and analyzed using a chemiluminescence immunoassay—for kidney events in sepsis and septic shock.

Prospective validation of prognostic and diagnostic syncope scores in the emergency department

Background: Various scores have been derived for the assessment of syncope patients in the emergency department (ED) but stay inconsistently validated. We aim to compare their performance to the one of a common, easy-to-use CHADS2 score. Methods: We prospectively enrolled patients ? 40 years old presenting with syncope to the ED in a multicenter study. Early clinical judgment (ECJ) of the treating ED-physician regarding the probability of cardiac syncope was quantified. Two independent physicians adjudicated the final diagnosis after 1-year follow-up.

The clinical diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis in adolescents

We present a review of available diagnostic tools for adolescent endometriosis, a condition that may have a different pathogenesis than the adult form and therefore necessitates specific methodologies. The new theory provides that endometrial stem/progenitor cells in neonatal uterine bleeding may be causally linked to early-onset endometriosis, thereby explaining both the occurrence in pre-menarcheal girls and its severity in some adolescents. Severe disease seems characterised by the presence of ovarian endomerioma.

Neuropsychology as a profession in Italy

The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of individuals working in the field of neuropsychology in Italy, as part of a larger study examining the practice of neuropsychology across various countries. They were asked about their background, professional training, current work situation, types of assessment, preferred diagnostic procedures, as well as the rehabilitation techniques, their targeted populations, teaching responsibilities, and research activities. A total of 154 professionals completed an online survey from April 28, 2016 through June 30, 2016.

A new standardization of the Bells Test. An Italian multi-center normative study

Objective: The Bells Test is a cancelation task that is widely used for the diagnosis of unilateral spatial neglect (USN). With the aim of fostering more reliable use of this instrument, we set out to develop new norms adjusted for the possible influence of age, gender and education. We worked on the original version of the test. Methods: Normative data were collected from 401 healthy participants aged between 20 and 80 years. Individual factors that could affect performance (i.e., gender, age, and years of education) were considered.

Screening program in ovarian cancer: a logical step in clinical management? A meta-analysis

Treatment of ovarian cancer (OC) is a challenge and its poor prognosis still remains a problem of major importance. Due to the lack of early and specific symptoms, the vast majority of women are diagnosed with an advanced stage disease. The aim of this meta-analysis is to evaluate the impact of OC screening program in asymptomatic women on clinical outcomes.

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis: an update focused on clinical grading system

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a severe disease with a prevalence of < 1 case out of 10,000 in Europe, which occurs mainly in pediatric age and is characterized by a severe and often bilateral chronic inflammation of the ocular surface. The diagnosis is generally confirmed by the finding at the ocular examination of conjunctival hyperemia, papillary hypertrophy in the tarsal conjunctiva, giant papillae, papillae in the limbus region.

530 Towards a globally shared taxonomy of the different conditions diagnosed as unconsummated marriage

Objective: Sexuality has different meanings and follow different
scripts depending on the country or geographic location and the
dominant culture. The growing globalization and migrations
leaded to marriages between people belonging to different cultures.
Moreover, in modern societies there are many migrant
communities that, although integrated, follow faithfully the rules
and values of their culture of origin. For this reason, health care
professionals are progressively exposed to the task of understanding

Atopic dermatitis

Abstract. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common in ammatory skin disease, clinically characterized by recur- rent eczematous lesions and intense itching, leading to excoriations and susceptibility to cutaneous infections. Although it is considered a pediatric disorder, mainly starting in infancy, it is also very common in adults.

Sequence circuit-based modeling of a doubly fed induction wind generator for eccentricity diagnosis by split-phase current signature analysis

A wound-rotor three-phase induction generator with eccentric rotor and parallel connections in both stator and rotor can be represented by five equivalent sequence-circuits of virtually centered-rotor machines, as mathematically proved in previous papers. The five circuits allow the calculation of stator and rotor fault-related currents, in form of 2(p±1)-pole space vectors for 2p-pole machines.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma