
Nanostructure-Based Electrochemical Immunosensors as Diagnostic Tools

Electrochemical immunosensors are affinity-based biosensors characterized by several useful features such as specificity, miniaturizability, low cost and simplicity, making them very interesting for many applications in several scientific fields. One of the significant issues in the design of electrochemical immunosensors is to increase the system’s sensitivity.

Intrahepatic heteropolymerization of M and Z alpha-1-antitrypsin

The α-1-antitrypsin (or alpha-1-antitrypsin, A1AT) Z variant is the primary cause of severe A1AT deficiency and forms polymeric chains that aggregate in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes. Around 2%-5% of Europeans are heterozygous for the Z and WT M allele, and there is evidence of increased risk of liver disease when compared with MM A1AT individuals. We have shown that Z and M A1AT can copolymerize in cell models, but there has been no direct observation of heteropolymer formation in vivo.

Conceptual design of electron beam diagnostics for high brightness plasma accelerator

A design study of the diagnostics of a high brightness linac, based on X-band structures, and a plasma accelerator stage, has been delivered in the framework of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB project. In this paper, we present a conceptual design of the proposed diagnostics, using state of the art systems and new and under development devices. Single shot measurements are preferable for plasma accelerated beams, including emittance, while μm level and fs scale beam size and bunch length respectively are requested.

Eupraxia, a step toward a plasma-wakefield based accelerator with high beam quality

The EuPRAXIA project aims at designing the world's first accelerator based on advanced plasma-wakefield techniques to deliver 5 GeV electron beams that simultaneously have high charge, low emittance and low energy spread, which are required for applications by future user communities. Meeting this challenging objective will only be possible through dedicated effort. Many injection/acceleration schemes and techniques have been explored by means of thorough simulations in more than ten European research institutes.

Frontiers of beam diagnostics in plasma accelerators

Advanced diagnostics tools are crucial in the development of plasma-based accelerators. Accurate measurements of the beam quality at the exit of the plasma channel are mandatory for the optimization of the plasma accelerator. 6D electron beam diagnostics will be reviewed with emphasis on emittance measurement, which is particularly complex due to the peculiarity of the emerging beams.

Firmware enhancements for BYOD-aware network security

In today’s connected world, users migrate within a complex set of networks, including, but not limited to, 3G and 4G (LTE) services provided by mobile operators, Wi-Fi hotspots in private and public places, as well as wireless and/or wired LAN access in business and home environments. Following the widely expanding Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach, many public and educational institutions have begun to encourage customers and students to use their own devices at all times.

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