
Food at the heart of the Empire. Dietary reconstruction for Imperial Rome inhabitants

This paper aims to provide a broad diet reconstruction for people buried in archaeologically defined contexts in Rome (first to third centuries CE), in order to combine archaeological and biological evidence focusing on dietary preferences in Imperial Rome. A sample of 214 human bones recovered from 6 funerary contexts was selected for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis.

Nutrition, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease

Previous studies reported an inverse association between healthy dietary patterns (such as Mediterranean diet) and the incidence of cardiovascular events. As the mechanism accounting for cardiovascular disease is prevalently due to the atherothrombosis, where a pivotal role is played by platelet activation, it would be arguable that diets with protective effects against cardiovascular disease exert an anti-atherothrombotic effect via inhibition of platelet activation.

Identification and evaluation of risk of generalizability biases in pilot versus efficacy/effectiveness trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Preliminary evaluations of behavioral interventions, referred to as pilot studies, predate the conduct of many large-scale efficacy/effectiveness trial. The ability of a pilot study to inform an efficacy/effectiveness trial relies on careful considerations in the design, delivery, and interpretation of the pilot results to avoid exaggerated early discoveries that may lead to subsequent failed efficacy/effectiveness trials. “Risk of generalizability biases (RGB)” in pilot studies may reduce the probability of replicating results in a larger efficacy/effectiveness trial.

Diet and Chemotherapy: The Effects of Fasting and Ketogenic Diet on Cancer Treatment

Introduction: Diet may influence various aspects of human health. In fact, it is well known that diet can favour or not the development of various human pathologies, like diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolaemia. Interestingly, diet has an influence in cancer development too (e.g., this relation has been studied for pancreatic, colonic, gastric, and breast cancers). Between the mechanisms that could explain this relation, there is epigenetic.

Exercise-induced epigenetic modifications for beneficial health manifestations

In the wake of multiple observations arising from diverse corners of physiological and molecular genetics, the onslaught of
epigenetic changes, gene x environment interaction, under current appearances requires rendition for purposes of displaying
both performance augmentation, amelioration of structural-functional impairment and the promotion of resilience manifested
by the lasting health benefits that arise from regular and consistent physical exercise. The notion that individuals, who

Behavioral, neuromorphological, and neurobiochemical effects induced by omega-3 fatty acids following basal forebrain cholinergic depletion in aged mice

Background: In recent years, mechanistic, epidemiologic, and interventional studies have indicated beneficial
effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) against brain aging and age-related cognitive decline,
with the most consistent effects against Alzheimer’s disease (AD) confined especially in the early or prodromal
stages of the pathology.
In the present study, we investigated the action of n-3 PUFA supplementation on behavioral performances and

Risk factors for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP): antecedent events, lifestyle and dietary habits. Data from the Italian CIDP Database

Background and purpose: The role of lifestyle and dietary habits and antecedent events has not been clearly identified in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP). Methods: Information was collected about modifiable environmental factors and antecedent infections and vaccinations in patients with CIDP included in an Italian CIDP Database. Only patients who reported not having changed their diet or the lifestyle habits investigated in the study after the appearance of CIDP were included. The partners of patients with CIDP were chosen as controls.

The “Elderly” Lesson in a “Stressful” Life: Italian Holistic Approach to Increase COVID-19 Prevention and Awareness

It's a frightening time due to COVID-19, but the great elderly/centenarians, apparently with more frailty, seem to have a better response to the pandemic. “The South Italy” lifestyle seems an “effective strategy” promoting the well-being embedded in a holistic solution: healthy diet, less exposure to PM10 pollution, protected environment, and moderate physical activity. The European FP7 Project RISTOMED results, since 2010, have shown that dietary intervention improved a heathy status in the elderly people.

Nutrition in dementia. a challenge for nurses

Aim. The manuscript shows the presence of eating disorders in dementia in the elderly population and the risk of malnutrition. It is highlighted that the management of this patient is difficult and generate stress in the caregiver. Highlight the main questions that the medical staff provides the best form of nutrition for patients with dementia.
Methods. The literature review and reported international guidelines analyze and propose measures to be carried into the environment of the meal, diet and encourages, as permitted, patient independence.

Executive Summary of the 2018 Joint Consensus Document on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Italy

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death, disability and hospitalization in Italy. Primary prevention strategies are able to prevent clinically evident CVDs, mostly by early identifying asymptomatic, otherwise healthy individuals at risk of developing CVDs. A more modern approach recommended for effective CVD prevention is based on “4P”, that is: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized and Participative.

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