digital design

Digital design of medical replicas via desktop systems: shape evaluation of colon parts

In this paper, we aim at providing results concerning the application of desktop systems for rapid prototyping of medical replicas
that involve complex shapes, as, for example, folds of a colon. Medical replicas may assist preoperative planning or tutoring in
surgery to better understand the interaction among pathology and organs. Major goals of the paper concern with guiding the
digital design workflow of the replicas and understanding their final performance, according to the requirements asked by the

Characterizing noise pulse effects on the power consumption of idle digital cells

The occurrence of voltage noise in digital circuits has been typically associated to logic errors. The noise exposure of nano-scale circuits, associated to process variability, makes it interesting to explore the impact of input noise voltage pulses on the static power of idle logic cells, even if the logic operation is not compromised. This work proposes a simple yet effective characterization model to characterize the resulting shift in static energy consumption.

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