
Produzione industriale, nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il progetto di residenze prefabbricate customizzate: opportunità e limiti. Industrial production, new tools and technologies for design of custom prefab housing: opportunities and limits.

Il contributo indaga il rapporto tra la produzione di sistemi e componenti per l’edilizia residenziale prefabbricata e l’innovazione degli strumenti di progettazione e controllo informatico del progetto. L’obiettivo è quello di capire gli attuali limiti e le potenzialità delle strumentazioni oggi disponibili di modellazione parametrica; ciò seguendo un percorso operativo articolato in due attività parallele: un’analisi condotta su casi di studio recenti di progetti e realizzazioni di residenze industrializzate e attraverso una attività di sperimentazione attuata ‘sul campo’.

Literature review on digitalization capabilities: Co-citation analysis of antecedents, conceptualization and consequences

Recent decades have witnessed increased number of studies focusing on digitalization and related capabilities. Across disciplines digitalization capability is viewed as a sources of sustained competiveness. Nonetheless, several issues related to conceptualizing digitalization capabilities remain ambivalent.

Quali relazioni industriali per i lavoratori autonomi della digitalizzazione?

Nei processi di ridefinizione dei modelli di rappresentanza, le sfide poste dalla digitalizzazione rappresentano sicuramente un elemento di forte cambiamento non solo organizzativo ma anche in ragione della crescente differenziazione delle forze di lavoro soprattutto rispetto all’esplosione delle forme di lavoro autonomo. Questa espansione, se da un lato ha posto nuove sfide ai modelli di regolazione e di rappresentanza, dall’altra aggiunge, proprio in funzione processi di digitalizzazione, nuovi elementi di complessità.

The carbon footprint of the historic centre of the Municipality of Trevignano Romano - Lazio Region, Italy

Operations to quantify the CO2eq emissions of a given territory encounter critical issues that make the
matter more complex because they are rooted in political/economic/social options carried out over time
and in other locations; options that “come from elsewhere and far in time” and therefore make partial the
technical solutions that are proposed today. Each intervention must therefore be “contextualized in space
and time” otherwise the technical initiative in progress, not well understood, can create the

Quantity and Quality of Work in the Platform Economy

This critical and scoping review essay analyzes digital labor markets where laborintensive
services are traded by matching requesters (employers and/or consumers)
and providers (workers). It first discusses up to what extent labor
platform can be treated as two-sided or multi-sided markets, and the implications
of these classifications. It then moves to address the legal and regulatory issues
implied by these technologies. From a theoretical point of view, using a framework

Value relevance of digitalization: the moderating role of corporate sustainability. An empirical study of italian listed companies

The purpose of this paper is to assess whether a relation exists between stock market valuation and the extent to which Italian listed companies disclose information on their digitalization initiatives. The authors posit that the disclosure of digitalization-related information is a form of intellectual capital disclosure, which provides potentially value-relevant information to investors. Additionally, it is assumed that the reputation for corporate sustainability affects the relation between digitalization disclosure and stock market valuation.

Entertainment. The golden resource of italian cultural and media industries

Entertainment is a platform for communicative innovation, able to reveal some anthropological changes of the modern subject. Starting from a sociological analysis of the concept of entertainment, the chapter highlights the most important characteristics of the Italian entertainment market, focusing on the Italian free-to-air TV model (duopoly Rai and Mediaset), and on some characteristics of the Italian digital transformation.

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