
From newsmaking to newsfaking. A transmedia opportunity for disinformation

Fake news appear to be one of the most relevant and widespread phenomena characterising media landscape in the last few years, to the point that several fundamental international political and social events, such as the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America and the Brexit referendum, are considered to have been strongly influenced by the dissemination of fake contents.

Independent fact-checking platforms in Spain and Italy. Features, organisation and method

In recent years the verification of information has become a relevant activity within journalism as a result of the increased circulation of fake news and its ready dissemination via platforms such as social networks. This project seeks to analyse the structure, composition and operation of the independent information verification platforms in Spain and Italy. To this end, different qualitative techniques were used, such as the case study applied to each of the initiatives, in-depth semistructured interviews with its co-founders or managers and web content analysis.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma