
A PIAZZA-EFFECT FOR THE LAYERED CITY. The enhancement of Augustus’ Mausoleum in the drawings of Francesco Cellini

Drawing and History are two important keys to understanding the work of Francesco Cellini, a Roman de-signer who often found himself having to deal with the past and within contexts of great historical im-portance. The competition for Piazza Augusto Imperatore in Rome, won in 2006, proposes a strong urban solution to a site that perhaps even more than others in the Capital has seen the alternation of overlays, rethinkings and impairments over the centuries.

Walking on the Ruins. The arrangement of the excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral

Carlo Scarpa throughout his career, has constantly worked with the historical heritage of architecture and archaeology. This is the case of the project for the arrangement of the archaeological excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral. In the early seventies the excavations, carried out in the space of the sagrato of the Cathedral, bring to light a very complex archaeological stratification in which the traces of a Roman road emerge, among others, some spaces paved in opus sectile and a circular baptistery of the 5th-6th century AD.

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