
Prediction of Water Droplets Erosion on a Subsonic Compressor Cascade

An analysis of the erosion due to water droplet on a compressor blade is performed. The study reports the erosion patterns due to droplets of 15 μm diameter dragged by the main flow. An analysis of the droplets dynamics and erosion patterns is provided. The study put in evidence the influence of the tip leakage vortex and the separation close to the hub on the droplet motion and erosion patterns.

Numerical study of erosion due to online water washing in axial flow compressors

Recent year witnessed an increasing interest in online water washing technique since it allows to minimize compressor performance losses in the time interval between two off line washing. However, the washing capability and the related erosion risk depend on several parameters such as the injection duration , the d roplet size , the s pray angle , the water mass flow rate and the i nje ctor position s The influence of such parameters on the washing capability and erosion rate is analysed .

Direct Numerical Simulations of the Evaporation of Dilute Sprays in Turbulent Swirling Jets

The effects of swirled inflows on the evaporation of dilute acetone droplets dispersed in turbulent jets are investigated by means of direct numerical simulation. The numerical framework is based on a hybrid Eulerian–Lagrangian approach and the point-droplet approximation. Phenomenological and statistical analyses of both phases are presented. An enhancement of the droplet vaporization rate with increasing swirl velocities is observed and discussed.

Monitoring COVID-19 Transmission Risks by Quantitative Real-Time PCR Tracing of Droplets in Hospital and Living Environments

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) environmental
contamination occurs through droplets and biological fluids released in the surroundings
from patients or asymptomatic carriers. Surfaces and objects contaminated
by saliva or nose secretions represent a risk for indirect transmission of coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19). We assayed surfaces from hospital and living spaces to identify
the presence of viral RNA and the spread of fomites in the environment. Anthropic contamination

Weak solutions to thin-film equations with contact-line friction

We consider the thin-film equation with a prototypical contact-line condition modeling the effect of frictional forces at the contact line where liquid, solid, and air meet. We show that such condition, relating flux with contact angle, naturally emerges from applying a thermodynamic argument due to Weiqing Ren and Weinan E [Commun. Math. Sci. 9 (2011), 597–606] directly into the framework of lubrication approximation.

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