DSM generation

DSM Generation from Single and Cross-Sensor Multi-View Satellite Images Using the New Agisoft Metashape: The Case Studies of Trento and Matera (Italy)

DSM generation from satellite imagery is a long-lasting issue and it has been addressed in several ways over the years; however, expert and users are continuously searching for simpler but accurate and reliable software solutions. One of the latest ones is provided by the commercial software Agisoft Metashape (since version 1.6), previously known as Photoscan, which joins other already available open-source and commercial software tools.

Foss4g date for dsm generation: Sensitivity analysis of the semi-global block matching parameters

DATE (Digital Automatic Terrain Extractor) is a Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), which combines photogrammetric and computer vision algorithms in order to automatically generate DSMs from multi-view SAR and optical high resolution satellite imagery, following an iterative and pyramidal workflow in order to refine a coarse DSM used as reference. Consequently, DATE is able to face both the issues of DSM generation and epipolar resampling of satellite imagery.

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