
Maintenance systems and costs for wooden façades

The influence of the wood construction sector has been increasing for a while, becoming a driving force in the building industry. Durability is the main challenge when using this material in buildings, since wood undergoes several degradation phenomena that can alter both its appearance and the performance of components a few years after installation. Wooden envelopes are the elements that suffer the most from this deterioration, which in common practice is remedied only with pre-treatments, performed on materials during the production phase.

Durability of basalt/hemp hybrid thermoplastic composites

The Achilles heel of thermoplastic natural fibre composites is their limited durability. The
environmental degradation of the mechanical properties of hemp and hemp/basalt hybridreinforced
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites has been investigated with a special focus
on the effects of water ageing and accelerated ageing, including hygrothermal and UV radiation.
Modification of the matrix was carried out using a maleic anhydride high-density polyethylene
copolymer (MAPE) as a compatibilizer. Hybridization of hemp fibres with basalt fibres and the

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