DVB-S based passive radar imaging of ship targets

This work investigates the potentialities of DVB-S based passive ISAR for maritime surveillance applications. Specifically, in order to characterize the bound on the achievable performance, a knowledge based approach is adopted: Assuming known the target motion, the image is focused in both the range/Doppler domain and the x-y plane via backprojection. The approach is applied to experimental data acquired during a field trial by exploiting an experimental system developed at Fraunhofer FHR.

Maritime target imaging via simultaneous DVB-T and DVB-S passive ISAR

This work presents an analysis of passive inverse synthetic aperture radar images obtained exploiting simultaneously digital video broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and digital video broadcasting-satellite (DVB-S) as illuminators of opportunity (IOs) over a cooperative maritime target with known motion. The combined exploitation of these two IOs is extremely appealing for passive imaging purposes, given their complementary characteristics.

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