early neolithic

Behind the scenes. Introduction to the human activities in the Iron Gates region. Preliminary use-wear analysis of chipped stone artefacts from Lepenski Vir and Padina (Serbia)

For decades, a closed eco-niche like Iron Gates in Eastern Serbia enabled specialists to explore the transition to a sedentary life, with an exceptional record of human occupation during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. Following the series of published analysis from the architecture to the prehistoric diet of the Iron Gates inhabitants, our research aims to present the newest results regarding the use-wear analysis of chipped stone artefacts from Lepenski Vir and Padina site with a broader focus on the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in this region.

Exploring the function of Neolithic underground ovens through an integrate methodology

This contribution shows the first results of an experimental reconstruction of the Portonovo's underground ovens in order to explore their function. A comparison between the data collected on site and in laboratory confirm the hypothesis of a multipurpose use of the ovens and puts in evidence the problem of bias between the temperatures measured during the firing experiment and the temperatures estimated after XRPD analysis.

Firing the earth. The early Neolithic ovens of Portonovo (Marche, Italy)

This paper presents a new evidence of underground ovens found in the ancient Neolithic site of Portonovo Fosso Fontanaccia in the Marche region, central Italy. Here 23 underground ovens, dated to the first half of the VIth millennium BCcal, were uncovered. To date no trace of a settlement connected to this site has been found. A multidisciplinary approach has been applied to the study of this extraordinary Italian site in order to understand the life cycle of these structures: construction technique, maintenance, lifespan, function, and social value

Calore materno. Il seno fittile dal sito neolitico di Portonovo (Marche, Italia) = Motherly warmth. The clay breast from the Neolithic site of Portonovo (Marche, Italy)

Nel corso degli scavi del sito Neolitico antico di Portonovo Fosso Fontanaccia (Ancona) è venuto alla luce un oggetto in ceramica raffigurante un seno femminile. Il ritrovamento rappresenta un unicum, sia per quanto riguarda l’oggetto in sé, sia per il fatto di essere stato rinvenuto all’interno di uno dei 23 forni che costituiscono la caratteristica strutturale di questo sito, datato ai primi secoli del VI millennio a.C. cal.

Early Neolithic potters of the Italian middle Adriatic region

This paper presents the preliminary results of the study of the Early Neolithic pottery production in the
Marche region, Italy (VI mill. BC). The main goal of this research is to expand the knowledge of pottery manufacturing
processes associated to the typical Central Adriatic Impressed Ware, at present poorly understood.
All sites under analysis are located in the piedmont hills of the Apennine Mountains, except one which is on
the coast. This study aims to highlight synchronic and diachronic variability in pottery technology, to identify

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