
Structural Consolidation of Aghios Konstantinos Church, Athens

This paper is based on the master’s thesis work conducted by D.Ph. Pocobelli in Sapienza University of Rome in 2014. Although the Aghios Konstantinos Church is currently under restoration processes, this research took place before the restoration of the dome, now finalised. Aghios Konstantinos Church was designed by architect Lysandros Kaftantzoglou at the end of the 19th century. It was being built for more than 20 years, and it was completed after its author’s death. The main façade is characterised by three different levels: the ground floor, the mezzanine or gynaeceum, and the dome.

The coseismic faulting of the San Benedetto tunnel (2016, Mw 6.6 central Italy earthquake)

in this paper it is hypothesized that coseismic faulting caused the huge damage recorded by the San Benedetto tunnel during the October 30, 2016 earthquake in Cen- tral Italy. The results of the survey of the damage suffered within a short sector of the tunnel, coupled with both geological observations carried out at surface, and the available seismo- logical data, strengthen this hypothesis.

Landslides triggered after the 16 August 2018 Mw 5.1 Molise earthquake (Italy) by a combination of intense rainfalls and seismic shaking

On 16 August 2018, a Mw 5.1 earthquake occurred in the Molise region (Central Italy) during an intense rainfall event which cumulated up to 140 mm in 3 days. Within 5 days after the seismic event, 88 landslides were surveyed and classified in disrupted and coherent as well as in first-time failures and reactivation. As it resulted by the inventorying, most of the surveyed ground effects were represented by coherent landslides involving clays, marly clays, and cover deposits on low dipping slopes.

Seismic performance of two classes of earth dams

In the last decades, Italy has experienced several strong earthquakes, triggering the attention on the high seismic risk associated with the potential instability of large existing earth dams. Under intense seismic events, dam response depends on various factors including the geometry and the type of water retention scheme. This paper explores the influence of these factors, comparing the seismic performance of two idealized earth dams: a homogeneous dam and a zoned dam.

Dealing with the aftermath of mass disasters. A field study on the application of EMDR integrative group treatment protocol with child survivors of the 2016 Italy earthquakes

This study explored the effects of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol
(EMDR-IGTP) on child survivors of the earthquakes that struck Umbria, a region of
central Italy, on August 24th and on October 26th 2016. Three hundred and thirty-two
children from the town of Norcia and nearby severely disrupted villages received 3 cycles
of EMDR-IGTP. The Emotion Thermometers (ET-5) and the Children’s Revised Impact
of Event Scale (CRIES-13) were administered before (T0) and about 1 week after the

Mono no Aware

Il saggio approfondisce il tema della ricostruzione post-catastrofe attraverso l'analisi di un'opera del progettista giapponese Shigeru Ban per il Sichuan (Cina), cercando di indagare le relazioni culturali tra l'approccio alla ricostruzione e l'imprinting dell'architetto nipponico.

GIS procedure to evaluate the relationship between the period of construction and the outcomes of compliance with building safety standards. The case of the earthquake in L’Aquila (2009)

The earthquake (Ml=5.8; Mw=6.3) that shook L’Aquila (Abruzzo region, Italy) on 6 April 2009 and caused
huge widespread damage in the other 56 municipalities of the seismic crater has also provided important
input to reflect proactively on the need to avoid the repetition of similar tragedies, learning from the calamities that have occurred. In fact, L’Aquila and the other municipalities hit by the earthquake represent
an open-air analysis laboratory to reveal and directly see the weak points of the different buildings on the

Vulnerability assessment and quantitative risk analysis of road infrastructure

The complex system of road infrastructures of a country plays a fundamental role both on the economy and on the development of the territory and on the management of accident scenarios that occur as a result of natural disasters. It is therefore essential to assess the vulnerability of the infrastructural network to natural and man-made risk factors in order to identify any critical issues and plan improvements and upgrades to the infrastructure.

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