eating disorders

Dental erosion in patients affected by eating disorders: a preliminary study

BACKGRO UND: Dental erosion, which is the irreversible
loss of hard tissues of the tooth due to a chemical process on
the dental surface, sees the presence of acids as a fundamental
prerequisite: erosive wear is complex and depends on the
interaction of biological, chemical and behavioral disorders,
making it a multi-factor etiology injury. This preliminary
study aims to show the correlations between Eating Disorders
and the onset of dental erosion, from the point of view of clinical

The Body I Live in. Perceptions and Meanings of Body Dissatisfaction in Young Transgender Adults: A Qualitative Study

Body dissatisfaction in individuals with Gender Incongruence (GI) represents a primary source of su↵ering. Several studies have highlighted how this su↵ering has psychological, physical, and biological implications. This work aims to explore experiences related to body dissatisfaction and investigate the issues associated with living in a body perceived as incongruent for individuals with GI. Thirty-six individuals, aged between 18 and 30 years old and at stage T0 of hormone treatment, participated in the study.

Finalmente il coparenting: l’importanza della cogenitorialità per il benessere dei figli. Una ricerca su adolescenti con disturbi alimentari

Il lavoro esamina il concetto di cogenitorialità introdotto empiricamente da McHale, ma già precedentemente individuato dai Pionieri della Terapia Familiare. La recente letteratura internazionale nel campo delle relazioni familiari ha visto un crescente interesse per il costrutto di cogenitorialità, mentre gli studi empirici sul contributo cogenitoriale sono scarsi. A tal proposito gli autori di questo articolo forniscono un’esemplificazione empirica attraverso una ricerca su famiglie di adolescenti con disturbo alimentare.

Nutrition in dementia. a challenge for nurses

Aim. The manuscript shows the presence of eating disorders in dementia in the elderly population and the risk of malnutrition. It is highlighted that the management of this patient is difficult and generate stress in the caregiver. Highlight the main questions that the medical staff provides the best form of nutrition for patients with dementia.
Methods. The literature review and reported international guidelines analyze and propose measures to be carried into the environment of the meal, diet and encourages, as permitted, patient independence.

Nutrition in patients with unilateral neglect

Objective: To evaluate the impact of neglect on patient nutrition and nursing skills to reduce malnutrition. To determine attitude of health care professionals towards nutritional needs in patients with neglect. Methods: The purpose of this narrative literature review was to explore empiric literature that surrounds the measures to be carried into the environment of the meal, diet and encourages patient independence with neglect. This literature review to include articles from all countries and national languages (English, Spanish and Italian) that pertain to this topic.

Sleep quality as predictor of BMI in non-depressed caregivers of people with dementia

Although most cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of children and adolescents have found a link between short duration of sleep and obesity, the literature related to adults provides a non-consensual framework. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between sleep quality and BMI in a population of caregivers looking after people suffering from dementia, with a view to identifying the moderating role of depressive symptoms in the relationship between sleep problems and BMI.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating disorder risk and symptoms

The current COVID-19 pandemic has created a global context likely to increase eating disorder (ED) risk and symptoms, decrease factors that protect against EDs, and exacerbate barriers to care. Three pathways exist by which this pandemic may exacerbate ED risk. One, the disruptions to daily routines and constraints to outdoor activities may increase weight and shape concerns, and negatively impact eating, exercise, and sleeping patterns, which may in turn increase ED risk and symptoms.

Eating disorder symptoms and the 2 × 2 model of perfectionism: mixed perfectionism is the most maladaptive combination

Purpose: The 2 × 2 model of perfectionism (Gaudreau and Thompson in Personal Individ Diff 48:532–537, 2010) represents an important addition to the perfectionism literature, but so far has not been studied in relation with disordered eating.

The relationship between perfectionism and eating-related symptoms in adolescents: A systematic review

The clinical significance of two major aspects of perfectionism, perfectionistic strivings (PS) and perfectionistic concerns (PC), in eating disorders (EDs) symptoms was well-established among adults. However, no systematic review has assessed evidence examining associations between both unidimensional and multidimensional perfectionism and EDs in early and middle adolescence. For this aim, three online databases (PsycINFO, Medline and PsycArticle) were searched for articles published until January 2019, and observational studies were considered.

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