ecology evolution behavior and systematics

Statistical analysis of the distribution of infralittoral Cystoseira populations on pristine coasts of four Tyrrhenian islands. Proposed adjustment to the CARLIT index

The influence of geomorphological features on the distribution of Cystoseira populations along the coasts of four pristine islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy, central Mediterranean) was studied by means of a model-based statistical analysis. The most relevant trait that determined the presence of these populations was found to be the coastline slope at the level of the infralittoral fringe. Our findings indicate that slopes above 60?reduce the likelihood of Cystoseira communities.

Assessing the importance of nursery areas of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) using a body condition index

In this study, we analysed the variability of reserve storage in juvenile European hake (Merluccius merluccius) off the western coasts of Italy (Central Mediterranean Sea). Reserve storage was measured by the hepatosomatic index (HSI), in relation to environmental and population covariates. HSI has been proved to be a consistent measure of energy storage in gadoids, thus reflecting quantity and quality of food availability for growth.

Scuba diving damage on coralligenous builders. Bryozoan species as an indicator of stress

The effects of scuba diving activities on coralligenous concretions builders in the Mediterranean Sea are reported for a non-marine protected area (non-MPA). Five erect bryozoan species, which are particularly vulnerable due to their fragile structure, were investigated: Adeonella calveti, Myriapora truncata, Pentapora fascialis, Reteporella grimaldii, and Smittina cervicornis. These species were sampled at frequently and rarely visited diving sites to the maximum depths reachable with the most common recreational diving certifications (i.e., 40 m).

Evaluating and mapping naturalness of agricultural areas. A case study in central Italy

An assessment of the natural value of some extensively managed agroecosystems in Latium region (central Italy) has been made, through the collection of floristic and phytosociological data and the development of new indices (Floristic Naturalness Index – FNI and a set of synthetic indices). The survey allowed the evaluation of the study areas as High Natural Value Farmland areas. In a GIS environment, a mapping of the naturalness levels was then carried out.

?13C and ?15N from14C-AMS dated cereal grains reveal agricultural practices during 4300â??2000 BC at Arslantepe (Turkey)

In semi-arid environments of the Near East water availability and soil fertility are limiting factors for crop growing
and land use is locally adjusted to environmental features. In the last decades stable carbon and nitrogen isotope
analyses on archaeobotanical cereal remains have been developed in order to reconstruct water and
nutrient sources for grain filling. Diachronic studies on isotope records from single archaeological sites may
help distinguish palaeoclimatic changes from human choices in agricultural practices, but they are actually

Seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile as a marine biomarker: A metabolomic and toxicological analysis

A human-made environmental disaster due to the shipwrecked of Costa Concordia cruise vessel on the Tuscan Island of Giglio (Italy) coast and the possible pollutants release has been feared, so
requiring the activation of removal operations and the monitoring of the marine environment. In the present study, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile was used as a bioindicator for the impact of the

The lateglacial and Holocene vegetation and climate history of Lago di Mezzano (central Italy)

The top 12 m of a lacustrine sediment sequence from Lago di Mezzano (42°36?N, 11°46?E, 452 a.s.l., Latium, central Italy) have been palynologically investigated. The chronology was established on the basis of radiocarbon dates, measures of annual laminations and volcanic ashes. The continuous sequence provides new fundamental information on the Lateglacial and Holocene, periods often fragmented in Italian pollen records, identifying vegetation dynamics and climate changes occurring in the last 15,300 years.

Investigating the environmental interpretation of oxygen and carbon isotope data from whole and fragmented bivalve shells

Sclerochronological data from whole bivalve shells have been used extensively to derive palaeoenvironmental information. However, little is known about the relevance of shell fragments more commonly preserved in the sediment record. Here, we investigate the oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Dreissena carinata fragments from a core recovered from Lake Dojran (FYRO Macedonia/Greece) to identify their relevance and efficacy as a proxy in palaeoenvironmental studies.

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