
ADAR2/miR-589-3p axis controls glioblastoma cell migration/invasion

Recent studies have reported the emerging role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in human cancers. We systematically characterized miRNA expression and editing in the human brain, which displays the highest number of A-to-I RNA editing sites among human tissues, and in de novo glioblastoma brain cancer. We identified 299 miRNAs altered in their expression and 24 miRNAs differently edited in human brain compared to glioblastoma tissues. We focused on the editing site within the miR-589-3p seed.

The re-elaboration of John Snow’s map in a GIS environment. Input for transferring methodological and applied skills being inspired by a virtuous practical example of social utility

John Snow’s map made it possible to save many human lives by interrupting the spread of cholera, in an area of London in 1854 after the study of a relevant number of cases which allowed him to put his assumptions and research into practice. His work had a crucial role for future developments of epidemiology and provided the basis for (geo)spatial discussions and density studies in relation to risk factors and his insights enabled cartographic and successively GIS approaches, as support to medical studies, to have remarkable advances.

Applicazioni GIS. Principi metodologici e linee di ricerca. Esercitazioni ed esemplificazioni guida

.Grazie all’accortezza con cui sono affrontati i diversi argomenti e alla ponderata sequenza con cui gli stessi sono presentati, il volume rappresenta un riferimento ideale sia per chi muove i primi passi verso l’uso di tali strumenti, fondamentali nella formazione del geografo moderno, sia per chi intende approfondire le proprie conoscenze e competenze, acquisendo abilità operative da sviluppare in ipotesi progettuali.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma