
Leadership through showmanship: Trump's ability to coin nicknames for opponents on Twitter

From ‘Crooked Hillary’ and ‘Crazy Bernie’ to ‘Mini
Mike’, ‘Sleepy Joe’ and many others, Donald Trump
has coined concise memorable nicknames which
carry character-destroying meanings. This trend
begun in the 2015-16 Republican primaries, it
continued during his first presidential campaign
and it did not stop in the 4 years of his administration.
Unsurprisingly, the same strategy has
been employed in the 2020 presidential campaign.
The preferred medium for delivery has also been
the same: Trump’s personal Twitter account, his

Israel, ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal. The comeback of the middle east in the 2016 american presidential campaign

This chapter investigates the relevance of the Middle East issue in the 2016 American presidential campaign. After describing the early campaign’s international context and the past and current public opinion’s perception on foreign policy, the article analyzes the primary candidates’ proposal on Middle East and other linked topics. The whole presidential primary campaign on both sides was full of references to the Middle East, often linked to other adjacent topics such as immigration and terrorism.

Political Parties and Political Foundations in Italy. Their Changing Landscape of Structure and Financing

This book, published with research funds from the University of Rome La Sapienza, aims at disseminating knowledge about the Italian system of political parties and political foundations among non-Italian scholars, in the light of the recent legislative reforms in this field. Due to their nature as free associations of citizens under art. 49 Cost., political parties are supposed to enjoy a full autonomy in determining their own purposes, internal organisation and financial management.

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