


A partire dall’ossido di grafene (GO) vengono sintetizzati suoi derivati variabilmente “ridotti” con metodi chimici, termici ed elettrochimici. Vengono anche preparati materiali ibridi nanostrutturati attraverso reazioni di funzionalizzazione del GO con molecole con funzionalità specifiche (redox, chelanti, sensibilizzanti). Questi materiali vengono investigati mediante spettroscopia di fotoemissione (XPS), UV-vis, Raman, FTIR, elettrochimica, microscopia e calcoli teorici. Le possibili applicazioni sono in ambito biomedico, energetico, ambientale.

“ENAM”: Elettrochimica e Nanotecnologie per Materiali Avanzati

“ENAM”: Elettrochimica e Nanotecnologie per Materiali Avanzati

L’implementazione di dispositivi sempre più efficienti per l’accumulo e la conversione dell’energia richiede lo sviluppo di materiali funzionali innovativi e l’ottimizzazione delle componenti elettrodiche ed elettrolitiche già esistenti, in risposta alla crescente richiesta energetica e in un’ottica di sostenibilità economica ed ambientale.

Platform for nanoscale Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterizations based on Atomic force microscope (PESCA)


PESCA platform consists in the combination of AFM (with nm resolution) with an electrochemical set-up. This combination  affords simultaneous acquisition of different

types of images (topological activity of electrified surface and correlation with applied electrical potential) unveiling fundamental interfacial properties at nm range

Xanthine scaffold: available synthesis routes to deliver diversity by derivatization

The functionalization of the skeletal systems of heterocycles represents a significant goal
for the development of new compounds. The heterocyclic molecule xanthine (3,7-dihydro-1Hpurine-
2,6-dione) is a purine base with a bicyclic ring skeleton and four different nitrogen atoms,
three of them are -NH groups. The principal derivatives are the well known natural methylxanthines
(e.g., caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) that have prominent physiological effects at a very low

Towards innovation in paper dating: a MicroNIR analytical platform and chemometrics

Using a miniaturized near infrared spectrometer associated to chemometrics we developed a rapid and non destructive procedure to characterise paper and investigate its aging with the aim of solving dating problems. Two sets of paper were considered in this study (books and sheets) in order to ensure the results are not dependent of the storage conditions. The MicroNIR has the ability to distinguish paper according to the chemical composition of the surface as a function of the period of manufacturing.

Ionic liquid electrolytes for room temperature sodium battery systems

Safer electrolytes for ambient temperature sodium batteries were prepared by blending the N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, PYR 14 TFSI, ionic liquid with the sodium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, NaTFSI, salt. The physicochemical as well as the electrochemical properties of the PYR 14 TFSI-NaTFSI binary electrolyte system were investigated as a function of the temperature and sodium salt mole fraction, and compared with those of organic electrolytes of interest for sodium batteries.

Improvement of graphite interfacial stability in all‐solid‐state cells adopting sulfide glassy electrolytes

A study on the interfacial properties between a solid glassy electrolyte, LiI‐Li3PS4 (LPSI), and graphite (MAG) composite electrodes was carried out with the aim of reducing or even eliminating the irreversible capacity during the 1st charge‐discharge cycle. The performances of all‐solid‐state MAG|LPSI|Li cells were compared with those of conventional liquid cells. To reinforce a well‐distributed conductive path in MAG as well as at the MAG/LPSI interface, the type of electron conducting additive and the pressure during cell preparation were optimized.

Degradation of LiTfO/TEGME and LiTfO/DME electrolytes in Li-O2 batteries

In this work we discuss the degradation chemistry on carbon-free electrodes of two ether based electrolytes for Li-O2 batteries, i.e. tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDME) and dimethoxy ethane (DME) with lithium trifluoromethane sulfonate (LiTfO) as salt. To this aim we developed an all-metallic positive electrode by electrodeposition of a gold dendritic film on a nickel foam (Au@Ni).

Reaction of Electrogenerated Cyanomethyl Anion with Cyclohexylisocyanate: Synthesis of N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl) acetamide. An Unexpected Product

The contamination with water of the cathodic ACN-Et4NBF4 solution gave us the opportunity to investigate alkyl isocyanate reactivity toward electrogenerated anions. The cathodic reduction of a ACN-Et4NBF4 solution led to the formation of both hydroxide and cyanomethyl anions. The reaction of the catholyte with cyclohexylisocyanate led to the exclusive formation of acetamidated product, with no traces of cyanomethylated one. On the contrary, when reacting with benzaldehyde only the cyanomethylated was isolated.

Electrogenerated superoxide anion induced oxidative amidation of benzoin

Amide function is very important in both organic and medicinal chemistry. Benzamides can be obtained
in good to high yields by reaction of benzoin, primary or secondary amines, molecular oxygen and
electrogenerated superoxide anion (obtained with galvanostatic method). The advantage of using
electrogenerated superoxide anion is related to its counterion, the tetraethylammonium cation, which is
not tightly bound to the anion and thus renders superoxide highly reactive also in the absence of

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