
Stigmergic Electronic Gates and Networks

Software implementations of neuronal systems have demonstrated their great effectiveness in managing and analyzing large amounts of data. While performing various signal processing tasks such as image processing, artificial intelligence and deep learning, neural software has limitations that derive from the characteristic structural division between processing and memory. To overcome such limitations, computing research has moved towards the realization of neuromorphic hardware models.

Polarization-maintaining reflection-mode THz time-domain spectroscopy of a polyimide based ultra-thin narrow-band metamaterial absorber

This paper reports the design, the microfabrication and the experimental characterization of an ultra-thin narrow-band metamaterial absorber at terahertz frequencies. The metamaterial device is composed of a highly flexible polyimide spacer included between a top electric ring resonator with a four-fold rotational symmetry and a bottom ground plane that avoids misalignment problems.

An Integrated, Systems-Based Approach to Authorisation of Actively-Controlled Running Dynamics

A European Union funded research project called RUN2Rail is investigating a range of new technologies for railway rolling stock. The project includes a task on the use active of suspensions, and one of the subtasks is to propose a homologation or authorisation strategy. The incorporation of electronics and control into suspension systems is still at an early stage, so this paper provides a framework for a practical and efficient authorisation strategy based upon existing European regulations and standards.

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