emotional contagion

Emotion regulation and satisfaction in long-term marital relationships

How couples regulate their emotions and how they converge emotionally with one another can critically affect relationship quality. We examined individual differences in two different classes of interaction-relevant processes—emotion regulation (ER) and emotional contagion (EC), the tendency to catch and converge with the emotions of others—in long-term marital relationships.

Economic stress, emotional contagion and safety outcomes: a cross-country study

BACKGROUND: Economic instability produced by financial crises can increase employment-related (i.e., job insecurity) and income-related (i.e., financial stress) economic stress. While the detrimental impact of job insecurity on safety outcomes has been extensively investigated, no study has examined the concurrent role of financial stress let alone their emotion-related predictors.

How group goal setting mediates the link between individual‐level emotion‐related factors and team performance

Goal setting theory states that its principles (i.e., specific, difficult goals lead to higher performance than general tasks) and the four mediating factors (i.e., attention, strategies, effort, and persistence) of the goal-performance link can be generalized to the workgroup level. However, less is known about individual-level emotional dynamics within a team that shape team-level motivation and strategies and subsequent team performance.

How emotional contagion relates to burnout: a moderated mediation model of job insecurity and group member prototypicality

Building on the job demands–resources model and the social identity theory, the present study examined the underlying mechanisms (i.e., job insecurity) and boundary conditions (i.e., group member prototypicality) for the relationships between contagion of positive (i.e., joy) and negative (i.e., fear) emotions and job burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, cynicism). Data from 367 employees in the United States suggest that job insecurity mediates the negative relationship between contagion of joy and burnout and the positive relationship between contagion of fear and burnout.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma