
Risk Preferences and the Role of Emotions

There is a large volume of research showing that emotions have relevant effects on decision-making. We contribute to this literature by experimentally investigating the impact of four specific emotional states—joviality, sadness, fear and anger—on risk attitudes. In order to do so, we fit two models of behaviour under risk: the expected utility model and the rank dependent expected utility model, assuming several functional forms of the weighting function. Our results indicate that all emotional states mitigate risk aversion.

Iervolino M.L., NIMBI F.M., Silvaggi M., Tripodi F., Botta D., Simonelli C. (2018). Sexuality and emotions: a study on the Italian BDSM population. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: In the vast and complex field of sexuality, this research will take into account a population usually
considered ‘underground’: people who participate in BDSM activities. In the mainstream imaginary this
population is often considered to be closer to the psychopathological area and risky behaviors.
Design and Method: This research compares the results of a protocol assessing constructs such as
impulse control (SES/SIS), alexithymia (TAS-20) and empathy (TEQ) between the BDSM (with a sample of

Una conseguenza dell’esaurimento al lavoro: l’inerzia delle emozioni

L’inerzia emotiva si riferisce alla tendenza al cam- biamento delle esperienze emotive ed è general- mente operazionalizzata come l’autocorrelazione di un’emozione. Il presente studio si pone l’obiet- tivo di indagare l’associazione tra inerzia emotiva delle emozioni negative ed esaurimento al lavoro. Il campione è composto da 94 persone che lavora- no a contatto diretto con il pubblico.

The role of emotional landmarks in embodied and not-embodied tasks

The role of emotional landmarks in navigation has been scarcely studied. Previous findings
showed that valence and arousal of landmarks increase landmark’s salience and improve performance
in navigational memory tasks. However, no study has directly explored the interplay between valence
and arousal of emotionally laden landmarks in embodied and not-embodied navigational tasks.
At the aim, 115 college students have been subdivided in five groups according to the landmarks

Phenomenological configurations of workplace bullying. A cluster approach

The present study represents an innovative contribution combining an articulated description of phenomenological manifestations of bullying with an in-depth picture of individual processes operating within the regulative system. Phenomenological con figurations of bullying were identi fied considering not only exposure to and types of bullying, but also two of its main correlates: health problems and deviant behaviour.

The role of the cerebellum in unconsciuos and conscious processing of emotions: a review

Studies from the past three decades have demonstrated that there is cerebellar involvement in the emotional domain. Emotional processing in humans requires both unconscious and conscious mechanisms. A significant amount of evidence indicates that the cerebellum is one of the cerebral structures that subserve emotional processing, although conflicting data have been reported on its function in unconscious and conscious mechanisms. This review discusses the available clinical, neuroimaging and neurophysiological data on this issue.

Passions, affections, and emotions: a coherent pyrrhonian approach

May we plan to conduct our everyday life without referring to any kind of emotion or passion? Or, more radically, may we suppose that there is a philosophical theory claiming to either eliminate all affections or to at least control them thanks to a strong and prescriptively binding use of a form of rationality? Against the background of such dogmatic presuppositions, what about Pyrrhonists? Do they really ignore the multifarious, difficult, and complex web of all those passions and emotions that crowd and sometimes influence or change the course of our everyday life?

Simbolicità e emotività negli animali non umani: un tema attuale con radici lontane

Are the communication systems of non-human animals endowed with the property of symbolism or are they merely expressions of emotional states? The question has pervaded the philosophical debate at least since the time of Descartes and is now abundantly discussed in the field of cognitive ethology. In this paper, the topic is summarized both from the philosophical point of view (reconsidering Brentan’s notion of 'intentionality', often referred to by ethologists, too) and from the experimental point of view, referring to some well-known case-studies of the last decades.

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