energy efficiency

Upcycle dei principali rifiuti solidi urbani nel settore edilizio

I temi della sostenibilità ambientale sono da anni al centro di varie iniziative soprattutto dell’Unione Europea, che promuove la ricerca di soluzioni atte a preservare le risorse per le generazioni future. La produzione dei rifiuti e lo sfruttamento delle materie prime sono i principali fattori che rendono ancora oggi il settore dell’edilizia poco eco-compatibile.

Schermature solari mobili in laterizio

Solar shading systems play an important role in energy, light and acoustic matters. They works toghether with the envelope as components for energy mediation between inside and outside the building and fulfill the performance that transparent surfaces alone would have difficulty in guaranteeing. Moreover these systems are essential in the qualitative perception of architecture, their appearance and their relationship with the opaque surfaces determin in fact the composition of the façade.

How subjective and non-physical parameters affect occupants’ environmental comfort perception

Employees’ wellbeing and comfort perception demonstrated to largely influence their productivity and tolerability of slight thermal discomfort conditions in the working spaces. Their whole comfort perception indeed depends on several parameters related to physical boundary conditions but also to the adaptation capability of occupants themselves and other personal, difficult to measure, variables. According to the available standards and regulations, only physical and measurable environmental parameters must be considered to evaluate occupants’ comfort conditions.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma