
Economic Form in Teaching Design, between aesthetics, engineering and technologies. Some recent experiences in product design education.

“Ours is an economically oriented age. In earlier times, word-view was more important. Today, nobody can exist without considering economics: we are concerned with economic form. (..) Economic form arises out of function and material.

Porous Graphene based PVDF Aerogel Composite for Sweat Sensing Applications

A porous graphene based PVDF aerogel is produced through a cost-effective procedure, for possible application as sweat sensor. The aerogel samples were characterized in terms of porosity, density, morphological and electrical properties through high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM) and time-monitoring of the sample dc electrical resistance.

Heat transfer enhancement in Rayleigh-Bénard convection of liquids using suspended adiabatic honeycombs

Laminar natural convection of water inside box-shaped enclosures heated at the bottom and cooled at the top, with perfectly insulated sidewalls, is studied numerically with the aim to investigate the enhanced heat transfer effects deriving from the suspension of an adiabatic square honeycomb in the middle of the enclosure so as to leave an upper and a lower clearance allowing for horizontal flows. A computational code based on the SIMPLE-C algorithm is used to solve the system of the mass, momentum and energy transfer governing equations.

Energy efficiency and HVAC systems in existing and historical buildings

Refurbishment of existing and historical buildings is a priority in many European countries. Due to the need of developing a harmonized approach focusing on historical buildings, in 2014 AiCARR (Italian Association for air conditioning, heating, refrigeration) published a specific Guidelines entitled “Energy efficiency in historic buildings” (de Santoli et al., 2014) intended for both design engineers and superintendents to support the energy retrofit actions in historical buildings.

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