
Socially responsible investment strategies for the transition towards sustainable development: the importance of integrating and communicating ESG

Recently, socially and responsible investments (SRI) have constantly grown becoming a highly discussed issue. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to better understand if environmental social governance (ESG) criteria integration in investment strategies can support the transition of finance toward a more sustainable growth.

New Developments in EMAS: Best Environmental Management Practices

The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), from the beginning, has evolved over time. In its last updates, it promotes the best environmental management practices through the development of the Sectoral Reference Documents (SRDs) that have to be taken into consideration by the EMAS-registered organizations in assessing their environmental performance. Many organizations and companies have a wide margin to improve their environmental performance.

An Innovative Use of Eco-management Scheme: some New Applications

With the aim to improve their
eco-efficiency and thus its reputation and the sustainability
of their business, many companies want to lower their
impact on the environment. To help organizations achieve
this goal, the CCR identifies, evaluates and documents best
environmental management practices (BEMPs) for the
different sectors, in collaboration with stakeholders. The
results of this work are some sectoral reference documents
(SRD) on best practices in environmental management.

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