environmental chemistry

Recognition mechanism of aromatic derivatives resolved by argentation chromatography: The driving role played by substituent groups

Argentation chromatography is widely used nowadays as a powerful tool to separate complex mixtures of analytes containing unsaturated and/or aromatic fragments. Here we present the results of chromatographic and computational studies on a silver-thiolate stationary phase, in which the silver metal is covalently bonded to mercaptopropyl silica particles. The exceptionally high selectivity displayed by this organometallic moiety prompted us to deeply investigate its molecular recognition properties.

Stimuli-responsive tannin–feIII hybrid microcapsules demonstrated by the active release of an anti-tuberculosis agent

A simple and facile strategy for the creation of ferric tannin microcapsules around a liquid, non-sacrificial core is described. The assembly of the capsules occurs rapidly once ferric tannin complexes are subjected to ultrasonic treatment. The driving forces for the rapid capsule assembly reside in the strategy of adding ferric ions into the initial emulsion, which promotes shell formation and stability through well-known complexation effects.

Modeling ozone uptake by urban and peri-urban forest. A case study in the metropolitan city of Rome

Urban and peri-urban forests are green infrastructures (GI) that play a substantial role in delivering ecosystem services such as the amelioration of air quality by the removal of air pollutants, among which is ozone (O-3), which is the most harmful pollutant in Mediterranean metropolitan areas. Models may provide a reliable estimate of gas exchanges between vegetation and atmosphere and are thus a powerful tool to quantify and compare O-3 removal in different contexts.

Assessment of groundwater quality in the buffer zone of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique

Many areas in the Southern African Development Community are data-poor and poorly accessible. Water quality assessment in these areas therefore has to rely on the limited available data, coupled with restricted field sampling. This paper documents the first evaluation of the main geochemical processes and impact of anthropogenic and natural sources of contamination on the groundwater quality of the aquifer system used for domestic and agricultural purposes in Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique.

Experimental and numerical evaluation of Groundwater Circulation Wells as a remediation technology for persistent, low permeability contaminant source zones

Contaminants removal stoked inside low permeability zones of aquifers is one of the most important challenge of groundwater remediation process today. Low permeability layers can be considered persistent secondary sources of contamination because they release pollutants by molecular diffusion after primary source of contamination is reduced, causing long plum tails (Back-Diffusion).

An empirical model for the evaluation of the dissolution rate from a DNAPL-contaminated area

This paper investigates dynamic variation in the morphologic distribution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), which take into account the coupled mass transfer. Experiments were carried out in a 2D tank representing a reconstructed aquifer model. DNAPL dissolution rates were investigated over a wide range of DNAPL saturations, several source configurations, and different hydraulic conditions. Morphometric indexes are presented that take into consideration further factors affecting the dissolution process.

Decaying grid turbulence experiments in a stratified fluid: flow measurements and statistics

Laboratory experiments of decaying grid stratified turbulence were performed in a two-layer fluid and varying the stratification intensity. Turbulence was generated by towing an array of cylinders in a square vessel and the grid was moved at a constant velocity along the total vertical extent of the tank. In order to investigate the influence of the stratification intensity on the turbulence decay, both 2C-PIV and stereo PIV were used to provide time resolved velocity fields in the horizontal plane and the out-of-plane velocity.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma