environmental impact

How dentistry is impacting the environment

In march 2019, the European Parliament has voted for a ban of single-use plastics to come into force by 2021 in all EU member states. Europe is setting new and ambitious standards, paving the way for the rest of the world. Dentistry aims to diminish its environmental footprint by adopting the 4R’s concept (reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink) and through the switch to eco-friendly home oral hygiene products.

Hemp Seed Production: Environmental Impacts of Cannabis sativa L. Agronomic Practices by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Carbon Footprint Methodologies

This paper evaluated the environmental impacts of different agronomic practices for a
hemp seed crop grown in Mediterranean environment. The following agricultural variables have been
considered: seven monoecious hemp varieties(Epsilon68 (E68), Fedora17 (F17), Felina32 (F32),
Ferimon (Fe), Futura75 (F75), Santhica27 (S27), Uso31 (U31)), three plant densities (40, 80,
and 120 plants m−2
), and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization (50 and 100 kg ha−1 of N). Life cycle

Decrease of the maximum speed in highway tunnels as a measure to foster energy savings and sustainability

The high energy consumption of the lighting installations in highway tunnels has become a hot topic in the last few years due to the high figures in terms of money, consumed energy, use of raw materials, emissions of greenhouse gases due to the remarkable number of manufactured elements, and maintenance, among others. In spite of the different strategies proposed up to date and their savings, the potential benefits of decreasing the maximum speed allowed in tunnels have not been considered in depth as a complementary measure yet.

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