environmental performance

Performance of two Patagonian molluscs as trace metal biomonitors: The overlap bioaccumulation index (OBI) as an integrative tool for the management of marine ecosystems

In this study, we have investigated Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the biomonitors Mytilus chilensis and Nacella (P)
magellanica sampled along seven selected sampling sites along 170 km of the coastal area of the Beagle Channel
(Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) in four sampling campaigns: 2005, 2007, 2011 and 2012. The control charts were
built by applying Johnson’s probabilistic method for the first time in this marine area. We determined the metal
concentration overlap ranges in the selected biomonitors (as well as medians and distribution), and the overlap

National culture's influence on environmental performance of countries: A study of direct and indirect effects

The effect of national culture on country environmental performance has received attention during the past few years. However, previous studies considered a subset of cultural dimensions, focused on diverse environmental performance measures, provided contrasting results, and did not adequately investigated the mediating effects of socio-economic variables.

Firm environmental performance under scrutiny: The role of strategic and organizational orientations

Reducing firm environmental burden is not easy. Thus, several studies have investigated the antecedents of good firm environmental performance; however, they provide contrasting results, focus on specific categories of antecedents, and often rely on subjective performance measures. This study overcomes these gaps by jointly considering the effects of different firm strategic and organizational orientations on several dimensions of environmental performance, objectively measured.

Towards the development of a smart district: the application of an holistic planning approach

The most important challenge for planners and administrations is to identify optimal strategies for improving city life from a global point of view. Urban Planning models should therefore provide solutions in a coordinated and holistic way and should be flexible and adapted to different contexts and territorial levels. Currently, a global approach to the development of Smart Cities is still missing. In this paper the authors developed a planning methodology based on the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the reciprocal impacts among Smart strategies applied at the district level.

Can constitutions bring about revolutions? How to enhance decarbonization success

Climate policy-making and decarbonization require instruments to create and manage economic expectations. There is increasing concern that the existing panoply of domestic (emission trading schemes, regulation, taxes) and external instruments (climate change treaties) be insufficient to anchor expectations to decarbonization and isolate abatement policies from risk to be reneged or insufficiently implemented.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma