epigrafia latina

Le terme marittime nelle fonti epigrafiche e letterarie

La maggioranza delle iscrizioni prese in esame in questo contributo si concentrano in un arco cronologico compreso tra il IV e il primo decennio del V secolo d.C. La distinzione tra i bagni estivi e invernali non era poi così comune, a giudicare dalle poche fonti che li menzionano. Allo stato attuale solo in un caso risultano attestati epigraficamente entrambi nel medesimo centro antico; dobbiamo forse dedurre che anche presso altri centri esistessero strutture separate, le une chiamate “terme estive” e le altre “terme invernali”.

The Germani corporis custodes: a "unit in motion"?

This paper offers an updated summary of the Germani corporis custodes, the imperial bodyguard, which was established by Augustus and dissolved by Galba. In particular, the following topics are explored: a brief history of previous studies, attestations in literary sources and in inscriptions, the ethnicities, names and legal status of the guards, their organisation within the unit, their relationships with civilians, the location of their burial areas and the probable site of their barracks.

Castrensis o castrensis? Quando l'errore non è di lettura

It’s not always easy, in an interpretative transcription of an inscription, to decide if a word, of plain reading, is a proper or a common noun. This is the case, for example, of CIL, VI 8534, traditionally referred to the ratio castrensis, but rather to refer to a pantomime named Castrensis, according to a new proposal, not of reading, but of transcription and interpretation of the text.

Perficere, consummare, ampliare... Diversi aspetti del non-finito nell'epigrafia latina

Latin inscriptions can testify incompleteness essentially in two ways: as incomplete works themselves, when epigraphic texts are left incomplete for various reasons (mistakes, lack of information, need of an empty space for future additions); as official documents of buildings (both private and public) only partially completed by their founders, and brought to an end by other persons, in the time of one or more generations.

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