
The frst campaign at Eridu, April 2019 (Project AMEr)

The article presents the results of the frst campaign carried out at Eridu, entered (since 2016) in the World Heritage List of UNESCO, by the Iraqi-Italian-French mission led by F. D’Agostino and P. Quenet. The excavations of the limestone retaining wall at SW of Site (Mound) 1 and of the area outside the temenos where the Ubaid cemetery laid are introduced, together with the study of the epigraphic material found during the diggings. The geomagnetic and aerial survey with UAV (photogrammetry) of Sites 3, 4 and 5 are presented as well.

Paleografia e grafologia. I primi risultati di uno studio integrato sulle tavolette in Lineare B di Knossos (The pa-i-to epigraphic project)

Abstract · Paleography and graphology. First results of an integrative study on the Linear B tablet from Knossos (the
pa-i-to epigraphic project) · This paper presents the first results of the Palaeographic and Epigraphic project
entitled “the pa-i-to project”. This project proposes a new methodological and analytical approach to the
palaeographic and graphological study of Linear B documents through the examination of the tablets by
new digital RTI technology. In particular, a new model of epigraphic drawing (defined “palaeographic

The Pa-i-to epigraphic web project, www.paitoproject.it

Abstract · The pa-i-to epigraphic web project · In this paper Mycenaean palaeography is analysed from the
perspective of the new digital technologies. The author highlights the strengths and intrinsic weaknesses
of Mycenaean palaeography performed on the basis of traditional 2d photographs and drawings. In the
second part, the first results of the epigraphic, palaeographic and graphological studies applied to a group
of documents in Linear B from Knossos, digitalized through 3d and rti technique, are presented.

Cilicia as a multicultural region. Indigenous and foreign people in Roman and Byzantine inscriptions

Ancient Cilicia – both the Eastern fertile plain (Cilicia Piana or Pedias) and the Western rough area (Cilicia Aspera or Tracheia) – was a key crossroads of people and cultures, in a crucial point between East and West. Due to its strategic geographic position connecting Anatolia and Syria and to the presence the Mediterranean coast to the South, the region was characterised by manifold processes of mobility, migrations and interchanges between people and cultures throughout its history.

Clues for Minaean history. A chronological reassessment in light of new epigraphic and archaeological data from Barāqish (5th and 4th centuries BC)

A considerable amount of new data, both archaeological and epigraphic, were discovered during the Italian excavations at the site of Barāqish (ancient Minaean Yathil). The present paper discusses the most relevant additions to our knowledge base as a result of those excavations, particularly in relation to the succession of kings in Maʿīn during the 5th and 4th centuries BC. At this time, the kingdom arrived at its apogee under the reigns of Abīyadaʿ Yathaʿ and his son, Waqihʾil Riyām.

Norbert Nebes, Der Tatenbericht des Yi?a??amar Watar bin Yakrubmalik aus ?irw?? (Jemen), Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel 7 (Tübingen - Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. 2016).

Recensione al volume di Norbert Nebes nel quale si presenta l'edizione completa del testo Sirwah 2005-50 e relativo commento storico-epigrafico.

Repertori grafici e regole d'uso: il caso del latino

Il lavoro, adottando il concetto operativo di "regola d'uso" codificato a suo tempo da Aldo L. Prosdocimi, esamina la scrizione ricorrente in diverse classi di testi e a diverse quote cronologiche nell'epigrafia latina. Ne esamina lo status distribuzionale, le funzioni socio-grafiche e le motivazioni di tipo prosodico che ne hanno favorito la diffusione nell'ortografia latina, in congiunto con la creazione della geminatio consonantium a partire dal III sec. a.C.

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