
Tucidide e il modello erodoteo: la spedizione di Sitalce in Macedonia del 429/8 a. C.

This article deals with the interaction between Thucydides’ and Herodotus’ accounts of the history of ancient Macedonia. The starting point is Thucydides’ narrative of the expedition of Sitalkes, king of the Odrysians, against Perdicca II in 429/8 BC (Thuc. 2. 95-101). Thucydides adopts a narrative scheme frequently used by Herodotus for the military campaign of a king, and responds to some characteristic features of Herodotus’ historiography (ethnography, geography, captivating tales about the past). The paper focuses on Thuc. 2. 98 - 100. 2.

Recensione a Hilmar Klinkott – Norbert Kramer (hrsg.), Zwischen Assur und Athen. Altorientalisches in den Historien Herodots, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017 (Spielräume der Antike 4)

Recensione di un importante volume che raccoglie studi sugli elementi delle culture orientali presenti nell'opera di Erodoto.

I nomi dei trecento Spartiati alle Termopili

Il contributo si sofferma sull'enfatica affermazione di Erodoto (7.224) di aver appreso i nomi di tutti i trecento Spartiati presenti alle Termopili, nomi che però non trovano posto nella versione scritta delle Storie a noi giunta. Partendo da alcuni studi recenti dedicati a questo tema viene argomentato che il modo migliore per comprendere il senso di questa affermazione è quello di inquadrarla nella valutazione complessiva offerta da Erodoto in merito al ruolo di Sparta nella celebre battaglia del 480 a. C.

Il consiglio, il sogno, il catalogo. Iliade II, i Persiani di Eschilo, Erodoto VII

The article aims at highlighting the strong influence of Ilias 2 on Aeschylus’ Persians and Herodotus 7. 1-100 (the section dedicated to Xerxes’ preparations of the expedition against Greece). In Herodotus’ book 7 Homeric hypotext merges with that of Aeschylus, the result being a complex interaction between Homer, Aeschylus and Herodotus as well as a competitive attitude of the latter towards Aeschylus and his use of Ilias 2. The analysis focuses on three main levels: typical scenes (council or assembly; dream of the commander; catalogue of the army), motives (e. g.

Contesti e valore storico delle tradizioni sulla Persia achemenide nel libro VII delle Storie di Erodoto

The relevance of Herodotus’ contribution to Achaemenid history can hardly be underestimated since about half of his text deals with Persia and Persians. This article offers a brief review of what Herodotus says about Persia in Book 7, paying special attention to the historical contexts to which the traditions he uses may be referred, and considering his presentation of Persia and its empire in the light of the interaction between Persians, Greeks and local populations in the Anatolia during the Persian period as attested also by the archaeological evidence.

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