SAP - Intelligent Enterprise Resource Planning

By 2020, the global Gross Domestic Product is predicted to originate in 50% from the digitized activities with a growth in each industry (International Data Corporation, 2017). In the scenario where the digital transformation will be following the business in everyday activities, companies like SAP are assuming an important role. Established in 1972 as a team of five colleagues, after more than forty years SAP is considered a world leader in enterprise applications. SAP has been supporting businesses (80% SMEs) as ambitiously exposed by its slogan “Helping the world run better”.

Uno studio sull’implementazione dei sistemi ERP nel settore agroindustriale italiano

Oggi, sempre più, le aziende, nell’ambito del processo
produttivo, dispongono e fanno uso delle
tecnologie dell’Information Technology per il conseguimento
dei propri obiettivi di business. Assumono
pertanto importanza le soluzioni integrate
per la gestione aziendale di tipo ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning), sistemi a copertura di tutte
le aree d’impresa, che si prefiggono una gestione
aziendale distribuita (Moon, 2007), mantenendo
uno stretto controllo delle attività.
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di cercare

Left-hemispheric asymmetry for object-based attention: An ERP study

It has been shown that selective attention enhances the activity in visual regions associated with stimulus processing. The left hemisphere seems to have a prominent role when non-spatial attention is directed towards specific stimulus features (e.g., color, spatial frequency). The present electrophysiological study investigated the time course and neural correlates of object-based attention, under the assumption of left-hemispheric asymmetry.

Muscular effort coding in action representation in ballet dancers and controls: Electrophysiological evidence

The present electrophysiological (EEG) study investigated the neural correlates of perceiving effortful vs. effortless movements belonging to a specific repertoire (ballet). Previous evidence has shown an increased heart and respiratory rate during the observation and imagination of human actions that require a great muscular effort. In addition, TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) and EEG studies have evidenced a greater muscle-specific cortical excitability and an increase in late event-related potentials during the observation of effortful actions.

The Effect of Expertise on Kinesthetic Motor Imagery of Complex Actions

The ability to mentally simulate an action by recalling the body sensations relative to the real execution is referred to as kinesthetic motor imagery (MI). Frontal and parietal motor-related brain regions are generally engaged during MI. The present study aimed to investigate the time course and neural correlates of complex action imagery and possible effects of expertise on the underlying action representation processes.

Contingent negative variation and P3 modulations following mindful movement training

In the study of the electrophysiological correlates of attention, a phasic change in alertness has been classically related to a negative frontal-central shift called Contingent Negative Variation (CNV). Studies investigating the effects of meditation on the CNV in participants reporting frequent transcendental experiences (TE) reported reduced CNV in choice reaction time task (CRT), and increased CNV in simple reaction time task (SRT), suggesting that meditation can induce a more balanced attentional state.

Un quartiere pubblico senza spazio pubblico. Pratiche e significati fra collettivo e individuale

L'articolo presenta il resoconto di un lungo processo di osservazione etnosemiotica svolto nell maggiore quartiere di edilizia residenziale dell' Europa occidentale, Tor Bella Monaca, nella periferia romana. L'articolo, che si focalizza sull'uso e l'abuso dello spazio pubblico, propone di utilizzare il concetto di cooperazione interpretativa elaborato da Umberto Eco al fine di comprendere le dinamiche dell'abitare in un grande quartiere pubblico.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma