EU regulation on IAS

Towards alien plant prioritization in Italy. Methodological issues and first results

In recent decades, multiple actions have been taken to counteract the relentless expansion of invasive alien species as well as to gain a better understanding of their effects on ecosystems. Here, we describe the approach designed by the Italian Botanical Society that is aimed at selecting a list of candidate alien plants to be subjected to a prioritization procedure.

Prunus serotina in Italy. A challenging candidate for the national list of priority invasive alien species

In accordance with the European regulation on Invasive Alien Species (IAS), the black cherry tree (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) has recently been indicated as one of the 96 species proposed for the development of the national list of priority invasive alien species in Italy. The species, native to North America, is recognised as one of the most harmful IAS in Europe, given its high spread potential and the associated ecological and economic impacts reported in its alien range. Although P.

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