european integration

Il rinnovamento culturale italiano, gli echi europei e la figura di Garibaldi nella letteratura

Il risveglio italiano si ha nel secolo VIII ed legato al moto
culturale europeo, a uel desiderio di rinnovamento nazionale,
di liberazione da antichi pregiudizi che hanno portato alla nascita
di una nuova classe sociale e ad un nuovo assetto legislativo.
La Rivoluzione francese e l’opera rinnovatrice e riformatrice di
Napoleone costituiscono le fondamenta del Risorgimento e hanno
dato lo slancio a uel piccolo gruppo di italiani che hanno
compreso che era arrivato il momento di rischiare e di iniziare a
riorganizzare l’intera penisola

The popes and Europe. From the Italian to the non-European pontificate

In the last forty years the Roman papacy has undergone profound transformations. After a long tradition of Italian popes, a Slav and a German one have been elected, followed by the election of the first non-European pope since the eighth century. The relationship between the popes and the idea of European integration has thus experienced several seasons. Indeed, the popes who succeeded at the head of the Catholic Church had non-linear evolutionary interpretations of the role, the boundaries and destinies that Europe was called upon to have.

Germany means Europe. Post-electoral reflections on the largest european democracy. An Introduction

Never as in this moment has reflecting on Germany also meant reflecting on Europe. There is not one
aspect of the current European public debate that is not also present in the German political agenda.
Anti-European populism, migration’s management, sustainable economic growth, relations between
Member States and European Union, change of leadership in established political parties, fragmentation
of the electorate, difficulty in the achievement of stable and lasting government majorities: all these

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