European Union

The Management requirements that inspired the European Investment Bank, 1957-1958

The European Investment Bank is a very particular institution compared with other credit organizations because of the tasks entrusted to it from the very beginning. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge of the origins, the historical and economic perspective of this newly established nominated on several occasions but not fully used.

Active citizenship in Europe: the role of social capital

The purpose of this paper is to show if and to what extent in the EU countries the probability of being an active citizen depends on individual/household social capital endowment, other than on individual/household socio-economic characteristics. The paper provides a deeper insight of the determinants of active citizenship due to the growing concern of the European Commission with citizens' issues. The core of the paper, which adopts a micro-level perspective, is an empirical analysis, based on a logistic model, of the EU-SILC 2015 survey data.

Between Crises and Borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the Salience of Spatial Imaginaries

An impressive body of international research has engaged with the rationales, dynamics and societal consequences of micro and macro-level regional integration projects (e.g. Celata & Coletti, 2015; Sidaway, 1998; S€oderbaum, 2009; Telo, 2007). This research has also offered robust templates for critical analyses of globalization, shifting state territorialities and the networked nature of territorial and ideational hegemony (Perkmann & Sum, 2002; Sidaway, 2002; Sparke, 2006).

Locating European citizenship

This paper is not devoted to European citizenship, but rather to the ways we study it. The paper is based on a sample of recent literature on EU citizenship and is developed as follows. Firstly, seven divergent thematizations (the ways EU citizenship is identified and framed) are introduced and analyzed with regard to the problems they show. Then five conceptualizations are presented that come from the same sources, and that should be considered to overcome criticalities. There follows the introduction of a conceptual framework regarding democratic citizenship as an empirical phenomenon.

Family Reunification: International, European and National Perspectives

Il volume contiene i risultati di una ricerca internazionale, a carattere interdisciplinare, sul ricongiungimento familiare. La prima parte del libro è dedicata all'analisi del quadro normativo internazionale a livello universale e regionale e la seconda alla disamina, anche in chiave comparativa, della legislazione nazionale di alcuni Paesi membri dell'Unione europea (Austria, Germania, Ungheria e Italia).

ERS/ECDC Statement: European Union standards for tuberculosis care, 2017 update

The International Standards for Tuberculosis Care define the essential level of care for managing patients who have or are presumed to have tuberculosis, or are at increased risk of developing the disease. The resources and capacity in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area permit higher standards of care to secure quality and timely TB diagnosis, prevention and treatment. On this basis, the European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ESTC) were published in 2012 as standards specifically tailored to the EU setting.

The Constitutional fallouts of border management through informal and deformalised external action. The case of Italy and the EU

Il saggio esamina alcune questioni di diritto dell’Unione europea e di diritto costituzionale italiano concernenti la dichiarazione UE-Turchia del 2016, il Memorandum d’intesa Italia-Libia del 2017 e l’accordo di cooperazione Italia-Niger del 2017. Si vuole evidenziare come nella gestione dell’immigrazione e delle frontiere – a livello europeo e nazionale – il processo di “de-formalizzazione” e “informalizzazione” degli accordi internazionali contribuisca a riportare il diritto dell’immigrazione a un metodo intergovernativo.

The Thousand Cataluñas of Europe

Irrespective of the perspective from which one looks at the Catalonian events, which are still unfolding under our incredulous eyes, the impression can only be univocal: Spain is right and Catalonia is wrong. The claim of the Spanish Government to preserve the unity of the nation is well founded; conversely, the independence proclaimed by the Catalonian Government amounts to an extra ordinem revolutionary act. This is the conclusion that must be naturally drawn from an inquiry conducted on the basis of Spanish Constitutional law.

Can constitutions bring about revolutions? How to enhance decarbonization success

Climate policy-making and decarbonization require instruments to create and manage economic expectations. There is increasing concern that the existing panoply of domestic (emission trading schemes, regulation, taxes) and external instruments (climate change treaties) be insufficient to anchor expectations to decarbonization and isolate abatement policies from risk to be reneged or insufficiently implemented.

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