ex vivo

How to optimize the lung donor

Over the last two decades, lung transplantation emerged as the standard of care for patients with advanced and terminal lung disease. Despite the increment in lung transplantation rates, in 2016 the overall mortality while on waiting list in Italy reached 10%, whereas only 39% of the wait-list patients were successfully transplanted. A number of approaches, including protective ventilatory strategy, accurate management of fluid balance, and administration of a hormonal resuscitation therapy, have been reported to improve lung donor performance before organ retrieval.

Preparation of rat hippocampal organotypic cultures and application to study amyloid beta-peptide toxicity

Hippocampal organotypic cultures constitute a very easy but delicate method widely used to study amyloid β-peptide toxicity. This ex vivo technique is performed on tissues isolated from newborn rats. Here, we describe a protocol for the preparation and culture of hippocampal organotypic slices that can be maintained for 14-21 days and their application to the study of amyloid β-peptide toxicity.

Ex vivo dielectric properties of fat. Influence of the experimental conditions on the measured data

The recent developments of medical applications of electromagnetic fields in both diagnostic and therapeutic scenarios has posed the attention on the accurate knowledge of the dielectric properties of human tissues. Accordingly, several studies were recently devoted to the measurements of such properties under various physiological conditions. Since biological tissues show a high variability, to compare the different data it is necessary to thoroughly control the experimental conditions.

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