
In silico analysis of gene expression in V3a and the superior occipital gyrus: Relevance for migraine

Introduction: Visual manifestations are the most prominent non-painful features of migraine. During the last decades, visual area V3a has gathered attention of headache scientists because of its apparent implication on aura initiation, photophobia and cortical hyper-responsiveness related to visual motion perception. In this hypothesis-generating study, we performed an in silico analysis of gene expression in left V3a and the cerebral gyrus that harbours it (left superior occipital gyrus (lSOG)) searching for transcriptomic patterns that could be linked with migraine’s pathophysiology.

Inferior Olive HCN1 Channels Coordinate Synaptic Integration and Complex Spike Timing

Cerebellar climbing-fiber-mediated complex spikes originate from neurons in the inferior olive (IO), are critical for motor coordination, and are central to theories of cerebellar learning. Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels expressed by IO neurons have been considered as pacemaker currents important for oscillatory and resonant dynamics.

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