
Una conseguenza dell’esaurimento al lavoro: l’inerzia delle emozioni

L’inerzia emotiva si riferisce alla tendenza al cam- biamento delle esperienze emotive ed è general- mente operazionalizzata come l’autocorrelazione di un’emozione. Il presente studio si pone l’obiet- tivo di indagare l’associazione tra inerzia emotiva delle emozioni negative ed esaurimento al lavoro. Il campione è composto da 94 persone che lavora- no a contatto diretto con il pubblico.

A multilevel moderated mediational model of the daily relationships between hassles, exhaustion, ego-resiliency and resulting emotional inertia

Negative emotional inertia refers to the degree of which a current emotional state can be predicted by a previous emotional state and it represents a relevant marker of psychological maladjustment. The current study tested a theoretical model in which the dynamic impact of daily hassles on negative emotional inertia is mediated by exhaustion, and moderated by individuals’ level of ego-resiliency. Participants were 173 sophomore students (60% females) who completed two diaries per day (every morning and evening) for 18 days.

Identity and stress: an application of the expanded model of organisational identification in predicting strain at work

We contribute to the understanding of the relationship between organisational identification and work-related stress by examining the role that expanded forms of organisational identification play in explaining the nature of this relationship. The current study explores the extent to which organisational identification and other expanded forms of identification predict employee strain.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma