experimental and cognitive psychology

Changes in predictive cuing modulate the hemispheric distribution of the P1 inhibitory response to attentional targets

Brain activity related to orienting of attention with spatial cues and brain responses to attentional targets are influenced the probabilistic contingency between cues and targets. Compared to predictive cues, cues predicting at chance the location of targets reduce the filtering out of uncued locations and the costs in reorienting attention to targets presented at these locations. Slagter et al.

Lexical processing and distributional knowledge in soundâ??spelling mapping in a consistent orthography: A longitudinal study of reading and spelling in dyslexic and typically developing children

This study examined the ability to master lexical processing and use knowledge of the relative frequency of sound–spelling mappings in both reading and spelling. Twenty-four dyslexic and dysgraphic children and 86 typically developing readers were followed longitudinally in 3rd and 5th grades. Effects of word regularity, word frequency, and probability of sound–spelling mappings were examined in two experimental tasks: (a) spelling to dictation; and (b) orthographic judgment. Dyslexic children showed larger regularity and frequency effects than controls in both tasks.

Reading and lexical-decision tasks generate different patterns of individual variability as a function of condition difficulty

We reanalyzed previous experiments based on lexical-decision and reading-aloud tasks in children with dyslexia and control children and tested the prediction of the difference engine model (DEM) that mean condition reaction times (RTs) and standard deviations (SDs) would be linearly related (Myerson et al., 2003). Then we evaluated the slope and the intercept with the x-axis of these linear functions in comparison with previously reported values (i.e., slope of about 0.30 and intercept of about 300 ms).

Pointing movements both impair and improve visuospatial working memory depending on serial position

Two experiments investigated the effects of pointing movements on the item and order recall of random, horizontal and vertical arrays consisting of 6 and 7 squares (Experiment 1) or 8 and 9 squares (Experiment 2). In the encoding phase, participants either viewed the items passively (passive-view condition) or pointed towards them (pointing condition). Then, after a brief interval, they were requested to recall the locations of the studied squares in the correct order of presentation.

Collaboration in implicit memory. Evidence from word-fragment completion and category exemplar generation

Recent studies have begun to investigate the effects of collaboration on explicit tests such as free recall, cued recall, and recognition. In contrast, little is known about the impact of this variable on implicit memory. To bridge this gap, the present study compared the performance of nominal and collaborative groups in two implicit memory tasks-word-fragment completion (WFCT) and category exemplar generation (CEGT).

Come lo strumento diventa me

«Embodiment» is a term that highlights how our sense of the body is plastic and can be extended beyond the biological self to incorporate a salient tool. Theoretical bases are grounded in the widely discussed concepts of embodiment, tool use, and body representation. To support these claims, we will first explore highlight a pathway in the confusing scenario of the consequences of dynamic bodily representations. The primary interest is to explore the potentialities of embodiment, and to assess human experiences that can be directly measured concerning partial or complete bodily illusions.

A preliminary investigation on the effectiveness of unified and transdiagnostic cognitive behavior therapy for patients with comorbid depression and anxiety

High rates of comorbid depression and anxiety often complicate psychological interventions. The current preliminary study was designed to examine the efficacy of a unified and transdiagnostic model based on emotion regulation skills for patients with comorbid depression and anxiety. Forty-three participants with a diagnosis of major depression and varying levels of comorbid anxiety symptoms were randomly assigned to either a unified and transdiagnostic treatment group (UP; n = 20) or a wait-list control group (n = 23). The treatment group received 14 weekly UP sessions.

Come together. Human-avatar on-line interactions boost joint-action performance in apraxic patients

Limb apraxia (LA) is a high-order motor disorder linked to left-hemisphere damage. It is characterized by defective execution of purposeful actions upon delayed imitation, or verbal command when the actions are performed in isolated, non-naturalistic, conditions. Whether interpersonal interactions provide social affordances that activate neural resources different from those requested by individual action execution, which may improve LA performance, is unknown.

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