facility management

Building heritage of “Sapienza”: integrated digital tools for the executive project

L’originalità del contributo ha messo a sistema, per un progetto esecutivo, strumentazioni digitali (diverse fra loro). La metodologia ha sviluppato aspetti di metodo, strumenti, competenze e risultati: coordinando strumenti (Mc4energy©, Tally©), predisponendo il BIM Execution Plan identificati i BIM modeler e coordinator, gestendo le informazioni con Overview e Detailed BIM Use Map. Gli esiti della ricerca, finanziata nell’A.A.

A BIM-based PSS approach for the management of maintenance operations of building equipment

The service-centered economy has grown considerably in the last few years, shifting from product-based solutions towards service centered offerings, i.e., Product-Service System (PSS) solutions. Such an approach is also emerging in the context of building equipment, where maintenance activities play a fundamental role in facility management. In this field, Building Information Modeling (BIM) based tools are diffusely used to improve the performances of facility management.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma