
Impact of the resistive wall impedance on beam dynamics in the Future Circular e+e− Collider

The Future Circular Collider study, which aims at designing post-LHC particle accelerator options, is entering in the final stage, which foresees a conceptual design report containing the basic requirements for a hadron and a lepton collider, as well as options for an electron-proton machine. Due to the high beam intensities of these accelerators, collective effects have to be carefully analyzed. Among them, the finite conductivity of the beam vacuum chamber represents a major source of impedance for the electron-positron collider.

Coupling impedances and collective effects for FCC-ee

A very important issue for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) is represented by collective effects due to the selfinduced electromagnetic fields, which, acting back on the beam, could produce dangerous instabilities. In this paper we will focus our work on the FCC electron-positron machine: in particular we will study some important sources of wake fields, their coupling impedances and the impact on the beam dynamics. We will also discuss longitudinal and transverse instability thresholds, both for single bunch and multibunch, and indicate some ways to mitigate such instabilities.

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