financial feasibility

The Financial Feasibility Analysis of Urban Transformation Projects: An Application of a Quick Assessment Model

In the field of urban planning processes, the territorial redevelopment initiatives are important for the sustainable development of the cities. With reference to a real case study in the city of Pontedera (Italy), the aim of the present work is to highlight the usefulness of the Cost-Volume Profit Analysis (CVPA) as a tool to support the decisions of the public and private operators involved in three urban redevelopment initiatives.

GIS application and econometric analysis for the verification of the financial feasibility of roof-top wind turbines in the city of Bari (Italy)

In Italy, wind solutions for the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) have been
widely adopted, especially in regions with good geo-climatic conditions. In the last years, the need to limit the
soil sealing has resulted in a great deal of attention being given to the implementation of RES-E energy policies
integrated with the existing urban properties.
In this paper, the authors have pursued two main objectives. The first is an analysis of the financial feasibility

Saving soil and financial feasibility. A model to support public-private partnerships in the regeneration of abandoned areas

The European Union aims at the zeroing of the soil consumption by 2050. Among the short-term strategies outlined by the member States of the European Commission, the highest potentialities concern the recovery of the existing building assets, in particular of the abandoned areas. The regeneration of these properties, however, involves considerable costs and high risks, and therefore it almost always requires the activation of a public-private partnership and the negotiation of the solutions to be implemented.

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